Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Can you save a blog?

Does anybody know if there is a way to download your blog, or even a way to save it to a disk or something? I blog for a journal and I don't want to loose all of this.


M.Howerton said...

you NEED to check this out: http://www.bloggled.com/
it walks you through the process of backing up your blog and soon they will have the capabilities of helping you publish your blog into a book if you want- way cool!!

Heidi Davies said...

I use the booksmart program from blurb.com. It downloads ("slurps")your entries, you format it, and you can get it printed in a book. I love mine.

Alethia said...

I have been printing the blogs off at the first of each month and then put it in a binder so I can keep them as a journal. I haven't gotten all hi-tech with it yet, but it is a great way to keep memories of your life.

Courtney said...

I use blurb.com too and its fantastic. Its super easy to use, you can edit the photos and add whatever little extras you like, and then it publishes into a really quality hard-bound book. Just ask me if you have any questions.

Kathi said...

Amy...great question. I was thinking of this myself.
Girls, is there a way to save the blog (or copy it) with the videos and slideshow attached? I heard you can not do this on Blurb. Thanks for your help!

Amy (Church) Thulin said...

Hey thanks everyone!