Sunday, June 13, 2010

Things to remember.

Things to remember:

My children asleep, they are so angelic.
Bryan on the floor with four babies sitting on his tummy playing motorcycle. :)
The way my house sounds when the wind blows, it's like being in the woods.
The warmth of the sun.
The way little ones hum while playing quietly.
Baby kisses, their soft little toot less mouths are so sweet.
The way Bryan's eyes twinkle when he flirts with me.
The way Bryan's eyes twinkle when talking to his little girls. It is different but the same. :)
How my boys cuddle me like they will never get enough. (I know that may not last)
The giggle of little girls.
When boys play they make noises, not words but sounds. :)
Wet, suntanned little ones, playing in the sprinklers.
Cold, wet children hugging my hot skin to get warm.

For now I just wanted to remember these things. This all happened today. All of this happiness in just one day. So today I am very grateful. See it there is always something to look forward to. I just needed to be patient.

1 comment:

Heather said...

This is SO TRUE! I love little kid laughter, and boys making sounds instead of words... the way they roar for the cars or make screeching noises or vrooming noises... to cute for words. And I love how you love your husband.... he's a good catch and so are you. Hey, by the way, Happy 10th Anniversary! Man, ten years and 4 kids.... life really doesn't get much better that this. Love you guys!