Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Reality Check

Have you ever needed to just turn off your brain. Forcing it to think only happy thoughts, and yet you're still falling out of the sky? Much like in Peter Pan when John and Michael got scared and couldn't think of any happy thoughts to keep them in the air.

Reality is an interesting thing. You are forced to see through the mist, so to speak, and see things as they really are. Sometimes they are amazing, and some times they just scare the piss out of you. :)

Even when you are seeing love and joy there is this nagging thought in the back of your head about the unknown. You fight it and focus on the happy thoughts, but there is a reality there that is unavoidable.

This is where Faith comes in. This little glimmer of hope in the unknown. It takes the fear away from you and replaces it with hope. I often wonder why people choose not to believe in God. He is my happy thought. He takes away all my fear and replaces it with hope.

Then, and only then do I see the scary reality with a possibility of joy. I trust that there is a bigger picture that I either can't or don't see. I believe that the artist of this picture loves us and will do what is best for us. Even if it is difficult, He helps us through it all.

Why wouldn't everyone want to face life with such a loving and compassionate Father? I am so grateful that I was raised in the Gospel.

My little brother, Andrew, left for Iraq this week. Due to the nature of his job I am not at liberty to give any details about when or where he is. Yep, that doesn't make me feel any better about his safety. lol
I do trust the Lord though. Andrew is strong in his heart and he listens to the Lord. What ever the big picture will turn out to be, I trust in my Father in heaven.
Good luck Scooter, we will keep you in our prayers.
I am so very proud to be your big Sister.


Kathi said...

Awww that was a beautiful post. Can't believe little Andrew grew up. God Bless him for serving and protecting our country. He'll be just fine Amy, we have an awesome God.

Robert and Natalie said...

I feel a little safer knowing your brother is there. I will pray for him too. Love this post

Becki said...

Awww....I'm so proud of him too! Loved the post!

Heather said...

I am totally trying NOT to cry right now, ahh, screw it! Now I am. Stupid 'Over the rainbow' song AND this post. O.K., it's not really stupid (the song and the post), but the pregnancy hormone's are kicking in and I really hope that Andrew is safe comes back to us. I really do love the picture of Benny kissing Andrew, and of course all of the other pic's too. Miss you guys and the little one's.

Thorpe said...

I am your husbands cousin and was just playing around on the internet and came upon your blog. so good to see him happy. I wonder how the rest of the family is doing especially Melissa. Tell everybody hi from me.