Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Know what you believe.

An interesting thing this happened to me just now. Some missionaries from the Jehovah's Witness Church just stopped by. I have to admit that I was impressed with how well versed they were in their scriptures. I was embarrassed how horrible I was at being able to reference my own scriptures. I am a returned missionary myself, and I know very little about the scriptures. How pathetic is that? I really do believe that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints is Christs Church. I also believe that it is the ONLY Church with the proper authority to act in Gods name. So with that being said...why am I not studying the words of God? Why don't I know how to teach the truth about the fullness of the Gospel? There is no excuse. A new goal that I am going to set. Pick a topic and study the scriptures. If I claim to be Christian then maybe I need to learn more about my Master. Just saying. :)

1 comment:

Naomi Carmen Witcher said...

amen, i feel the exact same way and am setting that exact same goal! preach, sista'! :)